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“Captivating” – If you have ever wondered why, or doubted that, God would allow the world to be so broken … if you have hit the bottom so hard that you lost the desire to even try to get up and try again … this book will speak to you. This story will lead you into the depths of human tragedy and despair and allow you to find your own way out as the main character finds her way out … one cannot help but grow in faith through the powerful testimony of the author. A must read for anyone who has ever even slightly doubted that all things are possible with God.

~ Michael Wofford, PharmD., Department of Health Care Services

Wendy’s story is an incredible testimony of triumph in the face of adversity. Readers will be captivated by the courage, hope, peace, and love that emanate through the pages as she recalls how God so graciously put her life back together after devastating heartbreak. She tells her story with great boldness and courage and I truly believe that every reader will be touched by UNbroken.

~ Matthew Barnett, Cofounder of The Dream Center

Inspiring and offering hope for the deepest of hurts. UNbroken is a captivating read depicting beauty from ashes. Presented in a real and raw form that breaks down the stereotypes of who the broken are, giving hope to us all. Authentic and sure to speak hope and healing into many who feel they are beyond grace and redemption.

~ Shannon Bezak, Hope House Director

UNbroken is the poignant story of Wendy’s courageous recovery from a devastating, personal betrayal. Out of her deep anguish, a life of prayer is born that finds miraculous answers coming to her through the loving providence of God. She shares with great transparency how this experience of the love of God embraces her heart with compassionate healing, enables her to forgive her transgressors and empowers her to rebuild her life. Hers is a vivid testimony to the transforming power of love. A love that permeates these pages and will surely touch your life as it did mine!

~ Ed Piorek, Pastor and Author of The Father Loves You

Have you ever wondered how God could pursue you after you’ve faced the deepest levels of brokenness, pain and a life spent running from His love? Wendy’s story will reveal the power of God’s love and how no one is beyond rescue and restoration. This gripping story of abuse, betrayal and unthinkable pain will give every hopeless heart a reason to believe that there is a road out and a life of wholeness and purpose found in Christ. “UNbroken” is a worthwhile read that will ignite every heart to truly believe that he gives “a crown of beauty for our ashes and a garment of praise in exchange for our despair” (Isaiah 61:3). This book will inspire you to fall upon the grace and strength of God no matter the pain or brokenness of your past; He can use your life for His glory!

~ David Patterson, Lead Pastor, The Father’s House

“Encouraging and Inspirational” – A real page turner. I was so blessed by this book I want to share it with others. Wendy put into practice the scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to Rejoice Always and as she trusted and praised God, He used this thankful spirit for her good.

~ Joann Carothers Thomas & Foundation of Praise Staff

Reading UNbroken sparked a hope in me to trust God more with my life. I found myself tearing up over and over again at God’s miraculous love and rescue from hopelessness. This book shows how turning to God can take a shattered and broken life and turn it into a thing of beauty. Every story and chapter inspired me to let go of my fears, my past, and to put complete trust in the Lord for my future.

~ Susanne Johnson, Police Special Services

Wendy’s life journey reminds me of the Hebrews living in Egypt in the days of Moses. They underwent traumatic experiences as helpless slaves. As they cried to God for help, God heard their groaning and sent Moses to rescue and liberate them. He protected them and exposed them to His laws as He prepared them to enter the Promised Land. It seems that is what God has done in Wendy’s life! He snatched her from bondage and mercifully revealed Himself to her through His living word. It is my hope and prayer that Wendy’s testimony be anointed by God’s Spirit and alter the soul and spirit of the reader!

~ Eddy Swieson, Author of Why The Angels Laughed &
Commentary Writer for Community Bible Study (CBS)

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UNbroken: A True Story of Hope in Starting Over

UNbroken: A True Story of Hope in Starting Over